July 1, 2024
Network Automation

Network Automation: Enabling Faster Innovation Through Automated Network Operations

Network mechanization utilizes software and tools to automate routine network configuration, management, and monitoring tasks. This allows network operators to spend less time performing manual, repetitive tasks and more time on strategic initiatives that drive business goals. Network mechanization enables a self-driving network model that operates with greater efficiency, reliability, and agility.

Benefits of Network Automation

Increased Speed and Agility

Network mechanization removes bottlenecks caused by manual processes, providing infrastructure that can more quickly adapt to changing business needs. New services and applications can be provisioned in minutes or hours rather than days or weeks. Risky changes can be tested safely in sandbox environments before deployment to production. This accelerates innovation cycles.

Reduced Operational Costs

Network Automation as Automation eliminates many routine, error-prone tasks previously performed by highly-paid network engineers. This frees up resources to focus on more strategic work. It also minimizes costly outages and errors from manual configuration changes. Over time, network mechanization typically pays for itself through operational efficiencies and a reduced headcount requirement.

Improved Compliance and Security

Automated configuration ensures all settings adhere to established best practices, maintain compliance, and withstand rigorous security reviews. Access and change management policies guard against inadvertent or malicious changes. Automation enables constant validation that each device remains in its intended, known safe state.

Increased Scalability

As network sizes and complexity grow, automation is necessary to manage sprawling infrastructure at scale. Automation scales capabilities up or down quickly in response to business needs without over-provisioning resources. It can deploy common services across many devices consistently and automatically. This elastic, ultra-scalable model underpins digital transformation strategies.

Key Elements of Network mechanization Infrastructure

Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

The CMDB acts as the centralized source of truth about all network assets, software, documentation, and configurations. It enables automated processes to request changes based on accurate, up-to-date CMDB information.

Intent-Based Networking

With intent-based networking, administrators define business intent or desired outcomes, and the network is automatically configured using policies and parameters. This raises the level of abstraction beyond device-level CLI scripts for greater agility.

Automated Change and Configuration Management

Changes are defined and tested automatically rather than manually. Templates, workflows, and approvals eliminate errors from manually pushing thousands of CLI commands. Rollbacks remedy failures safely. Changes can be scheduled during maintenance windows.

Network Monitoring and Analytics

Feedback loops between the network and monitoring tools trigger remediation or adaptation based on observed conditions, not just scheduled changes. Anomaly detection, visualization, and root cause analysis facilitate rapid issue resolution.

Network mechanization Use Cases

Day 0/Day 1 Operations

New sites, offices, or major changes are set up quickly through automated blueprints rather than manual effort. Standard policies ensure consistent deployment of core services.

Device Onboarding/Replacement

New devices are automatically configured based on their role, integrated with management and monitoring tools, and ready for use upon connection without manual IT involvement.

Cloud and SD-WAN Deployments

Automation enables agile, policy-based provisioning of distributed edge infrastructure like SD-WAN and SASE to connect users to multi-cloud environments dynamically based on context.

Software/Firmware Updates

Patches and version upgrades occur safely through orchestrated workflows that validate no errors or outages occurred before or after each step.

Network mechanization revolutionizes how IT teams build, operate, and evolve network infrastructure. By eliminating repetitive manual labor, strengthening compliance, improving availability, and accelerating service delivery, organizations capitalize on new opportunities faster than ever before. As networks scale rapidly to support digital strategies, automation becomes essential to manage complexity at the massive scale demanded by the connected world. Those that embrace network mechanization gain a significant long-term competitive advantage.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it

About Author - Money Singh

Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc.  LinkedIn Profile

About Author - Money Singh

Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc.  LinkedIn Profile

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