July 3, 2024

Isomalto-oligosaccharide: Uncovering the Health Benefits of Prebiotics A Natural Solution for Gut and Overall Wellness

What are Isomalto-oligosaccharides?

Isomalto-oligosaccharides or IMOs are a type of prebiotic fibre that are obtained through the partial enzymatic degradation of starch. IMOs are composed of chains of glucose molecules bound together in α-1,6 links. Commonly, IMOs contain 2-8 glucose units in their structure. They are classified as low-calorie, low-glycemic index carbohydrates that resist digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract and pass intact to the large intestine.

Benefits of IMOs for gut health

As prebiotics, Isomalto-oligosaccharide serve as fermentable substrates for the beneficial gut microbiota in the colon. Certain strains of the gut bacteria Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus get stimulated by the presence of IMOs in the colon. The fermentation of IMOs by these probiotic bacteria results in the production of various short-chain fatty acids like acetate, propionate and butyrate. These fatty acids help maintain gut pH and create an inhospitable environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut. Butyrate in particular acts as an important energy source for the cells lining the colon and promotes gut integrity. Regular consumption of IMOs has been shown to increase numbers of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the gut, improving the balance of gut microbiota.

Impact on immune function and inflammation

A balanced gut microbiota composition aided by IMOs intake is linked to enhanced immune defense. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli stimulated by IMOs strengthen gut barrier function and prevent endotoxins and harmful bacteria from entering the bloodstream. This prevents triggering of systemic and chronic low-grade inflammation often associated with gut dysbiosis and leaky gut. Clinical evidence suggests IMOs could help regulate immunity and natural anti-inflammatory response in the body. Adequate prebiotic fiber from sources like IMOs ensures proper immune development in infants as well as reduces common infections.

Role in digestive health conditions

Being a soluble fiber source, IMOs promote softer and bulkier stool as well as regular bowel movements, aiding digestive health issues like constipation. The short-chain fatty acids produced during IMO fermentation also contribute to laxative effects in the gut. Due to prebiotic and gut-health boosting properties, IMOs consumption shows promise in managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, preventing recurrence of ulcerative colitis and maintaining remission in Crohn’s disease. Ongoing studies are exploring the benefits of IMOs as a prebiotic supplement for various other gastrointestinal disorders.

Metabolic effects and weight control

The low digestibility of IMOs in the upper GI tract means they contribute negligible calories and have no effect on blood sugar levels, making them a suitable option for diabetics as well. Animal studies indicate IMOs could help suppress fat accumulation and aid weight control over the long term. Prebiotics improve bile acid metabolism and production of intestinal hormones like GLP-1 involved in appetite regulation. Regular consumption of IMOs may benefit metabolic health through proliferation of probiotic species linked to reduced fat storage and inflammation in the body. More human trials are further solidifying their role as a prebiotic for weight management.

Role in bone and oral health

Probiotics like bifidobacteria can have indirect favorable impacts on bone mineral density as their metabolites influence intestinal calcium absorption. Since IMOs encourage the growth of such probiotic species, preliminary studies suggest they support bone health by enhancing calcium bioavailability and suppressing bone resorption. Their dietary fiber content also makes IMOs a suitable thickener for bone broths. Dental carries are less common in populations that consume probiotic-rich diets. Again, as IMOs act as fuel for oral commensal bacteria, they may protect against periodontal diseases and reduce oral health issues like bad breath. However, more extensive research is still ongoing.

Food sources and recommendations

While IMOs are commercially available as supplements, they are also naturally present in some plant foods like yams, agave, bananas and garlic. Commonly accessed prebiotic enriched food products containing IMOs include cereals, granola bars, yogurt, bread, pasta sauce etc. As a prebiotic, the general recommended intake of IMOs ranges from 3 to 10 grams per day depending on an individual’s gut health status and medical history. For maximum benefits, they are best consumed as part of a balanced fiber-rich diet combined with probiotic intake. In general IMOs are considered very safe with no adverse effects reported even at higher doses.

isomalto-oligosaccharides or IMOs show great potential as a functional prebiotic that can promote gut, immune, bone and overall metabolic health through modulation of the gut microbiota. While human clinical trials are still ongoing, existing research provides promising insights into the multi-dimensional benefits of including IMOs in the diet, especially for individuals dealing with digestive disorders. More quality studies will further solidify their role as an important prebiotic for optimizing health and wellness.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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